Jenny’s Reprieve

I got my two cats Jenny and June Bug (“Bug”) eight years ago.   My cat criteria was for short-haired spayed females with an eye on easy cat care.  Jenny had problems going back at least a year if not maybe since I got her in hindsight.  I took her to the vet in November and again in January after seeing how she had scratched herself nearly raw with significant hair loss.  Things were a bit better and now they got worse.  We went to the vet again today.

I was prepared to put Jenny down to stop her suffering in what seemed to be a progressive condition.  The first vet at the Bellevue Cat & Dog Clinic diagnosed one cat condition, the second vet had a second diagnosis and today the third vet said it was something else.  Jaime the vet explained it was “practicing medicine” and they were going through the process of elimination.  Jaime treated Jenny for worms and fleas.  Sounded like a bit of hooey to me.  Worms and fleas?  Shouldn’t that have been diagnosed on the first trip?  We don’t have fleas in the apartment.  Whatever.  I hope Jenny gets better soon.

I have watched friends spend thousands of dollars and lots of time trying to save terminally ill cats.  It was expensive, emotionally draining and painful for their cat.   I refuse to go that route.  The vet shared one alternative was to talk Jenny to a no-kill shelter where someone else could adopt Jenny.

I don’t want to lose my Jenny.  Lea loves her dearly.  We will see how it goes.

I am grateful that Jenny is still with us.  She sits on my desk by my keyboard when I write my Gratitude blog post.  She is great company, fun to play with and very vocal.  She meows in a happy way when I pet her.

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