Tonight at the business meeting, I got voted into the one month service
position of being the greeter. We just
started having a greeter two months ago.
Having a greeter helps make people feel welcome at our meeting. That changes the ambiance at the meeting from
being a place where people straggle in to a place hoping to find recovery to a
place where both new and regular members are welcomed with a warm greeting and
a handshake.
I used to be the greeter at Empire Way in Seattle for 6 months. That was the best service position I ever
had. I learned and practiced how to
welcome people with kind words, a handshake and a smile while getting to know a
lot of people.
I am grateful for AA’s message of recovery and hope, my new service
position and my sobriety. I have been
struggling with unwelcome thoughts of using situations for the last couple of
days. I talked about it at the meeting
and was able to let a lot of that go.
One AA cliché is that we are only
as sick as our secrets. That is true
for me. Today I have one less secret and
am a little less sick.