Working With Others

Practical experience shows that nothing will so much insure immunity from drinking as intensive work with other alcoholics. It works when other activities fail. This is our twelfth suggestion: Carry this message to other alcoholics! You can help when no one else can. You can secure their confidence when others fail. Remember they are very ill.

Life will take on new meaning. To watch people recover, to see them help others, to watch loneliness vanish, to see a fellowship grow up about you, to have a host of friends - this is an experience you must not miss. We know you will not want to miss it. Frequent contact with newcomers and with each other is the bright spot of our lives.

Lea got her first sponsee tonight.  That is the best thing that could have happened to her.  Working with others is vital to our recovery.  We learn how to be a friend, make new friends, and become much happier in our own lives.

I am grateful for the fellowship I have found in recovery and for the progress that Lea has made in her recovery.

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