My Front Room Is Still A Mess

Found a guy that will deliver the old oak entertainment center to a friend next weekend.  A couple of other friends are going to help with moving dirt from the deck garden to the dumpster next week.  They will also help with a box of flower bulbs that need to be planted in the fall for a timely start on their spring growth.  Pots need to de-vegetated from this years plants, planted and stacked in the corner.

Tomorrow I will work on my HTPC.  Then we can move my primary PC under my computer desk, wire up the speakers and have a cleaner desktop making more room for other crap…

Made a rib eye steak sandwich on a Whole Foods baguette for lunch today.  It was a slice of heaven.  Tomorrow we will have Beef Stroganoff made from a chunked-up rib roast.  I am looking forward to that.

Went swimming, attended two meetings and watched multiple games of college football today thanks to the miracle of channel surfing  It was a good day.

Watched some other people spend time counting things they did not have and being not-mindful by trying to multitask or maybe they were maximizing (always looking for something better) instead of satisficing (being okay with what they had).  Whatever, it was not working for them.  They had a painful level of anxiety and not happy.  Watching them served to motivate me to strive to be increase my mindfulness in the future.

I am grateful my biggest problem today is slightly excessive materialism in my front room for another week.

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