Blogging Diligently

 I have done few things in my life on a consistent basis.  Writing posts for my Gratitude blog is the most consistent daily activity I have ever done in my life by active choice.  I always feel better when I blog (at the very least, I feel good about having completed this activity instead of blowing it off in a bout of not-selfcare).  I don’t know exactly what the power source is of this healthy daily activity and don’t really think about it too much.  I just keep writing.

I am grateful for posting nearly every day on my Gratitude blog.  It makes me focus on the good things in my life causing me to feel better about my: life; sobriety; people; toys; health; spirituality; love; and happiness.

On a ranting side note:
Talked with a woman today that was extremely incessantly verbal about all the bad things in her life.  She was did not miss a syllable when I pointed out how painful that is to others and herself.  We left. Then we immediately went to get Lea’s anxiety medication.  It was easy to see how she remembered she had needed get her meds for the last few days.   

There are three stated requests for activities that we ask people at the meeting to explicitly not do: text; crosstalk (give advice or criticism on other’s shares); and side-conversations.  There is one lady that regularly texts and has side-conversations.  The verbalizer got, guess who, as a sponsor today mentioning her history of failed sponsor relationships.  Talk about a broken picker.  I hope and pray it goes well for both of them.  They both have a relationship destroying lack of compassion and empathy for others on the surface.  I am sure deep down inside there are really kind smart thoughtful ladies.

While not exactly how I used to be, but it is not altogether different either.  I am also grateful for my improved boundaries and conversational skills that mostly improve my relationships with others.

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