
I love chicken.  It is a universal meat prepared in thousands of different ways.  My cooking repertoire is far more limited with basic frying, baking and the infrequent soup.  Pre-roasted chickens from Costco are a huge buy—it is cheaper to buy a cooked chicken than it is to buy an uncooked one—and theirs are always delicious, moist and tender.

Boneless chicken thighs are my favorite chicken piece to cook.  Take out some frozen thighs, rinse the frozen brine of them that prevents freezer burn, season, and cook at will. 

Tonight I hoped to make chicken with peanut sauce on spinach with phad Thai noodles.  The spinach was too old so I threw it out and made garlic chicken with refried beans, cheese, sliced olives and salsa.   It was delicious and nutritious.

Chicken, beef and pork are my favorite meats.  I like fish and shellfish, but they are more delicate to handle and cook making them more of a hassle and sometimes too smelly when cooking/cooked.

I am grateful for red junglefowl, Gallus gallus, from SE Asia and its many permutations.  It is delicious.

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