Grateful for Things

Ideally I would write about people in my life that I am grateful for.  After the first couple of hundred posts that got tough with at most a few score people in my life.  After 1100 posts, it is more nearly repetitive, onerous and grinding.  That is a proven method to put out the writing fire.  That is not what I want.  I know that writing is good for me and serves as a way of staying in contact with my sister in Australia letting her know that am doing at least well enough to write.

Opening up my choice of topics and tangents will help continue to make writing these Gratitude blog posts a positive experience.

While grateful for many many things today, tonight’s honorable mentions are modern batteries and electronics.  I charged up my Kindle and my droid 4G smartphone today.  They are both incredibly reliable pieces of sophisticated portable electronics although my Kindle never gets far from my nightstand.

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