Back to Bell Square and other Routines

I used to walk at Bell Square every Sunday night with Leslee.  Missed the last two months due to health care issues and scheduling conflicts.  Tonight we made it to the mall.  Leslee brought Ginny with her on the way to the meeting.

It was good to see Leslee and make it to my home group tonight.  This was the third or fourth time I have been to our Sunday night meeting this year.  I missed the comfort of having a safe routine with lots of recovery amongst people I have known for years.  I am not hang-out buddies with most of the people at the meeting, but several of them are the best friends I have ever had in my life.

It has been two months since I burned my ankle.  All too much of that time has been spent at home lying in bed with my foot slightly elevated.  I was lucky to not get cabin fever in a bad way.  I am now compelled to get out and about more.

I am grateful to be getting better and for being able to get back to some of my best habits of daily and weekly routines.  I am blessed to have kept up with my Gratitude blog writing.

1 comment:

  1. Good you can get out and see others and many things you missed healing from your burn...We went to Bellevue Square many levels, we stayed on the lower one to get to the Cheesecake Factory, the many places to shop are amazing and to dine out too, people watching was great..Snobby rich people and lots of parking, reminds us of Bridgeport Village in Washington county in Oregon where the richies live..we shop there for my hubs New Balance shoes and I snag stationary cheap at a nice little place and tea at another place the owners know me and I pay cash and they give us great discounts cause I am older than dirt now past 66 could be your Mom..My hubs is only 12 years older than you I could only be your sister just joking..We parise your ability to stay sober and clean and happy, you make a great case for sobriety and attending meetings and keeping up your vigilance..It is not easy, my hubs the only member of his family who never has consumed save his challenged brother and his sister who is working like hell to complete her college education and has no time for that crap as she is wont to say, we paid for 2 years for her degree and she is near the finish line a gal with no high school education and two kids to support, she kept going to school and working like hell to support her kids and to get that bs degree then on to a masters degree the baby of the family we helped her as she got scholarships to complete graduating this june summa cum laude can you imagaine? We don't and the masters will come fast and she will be able to be a therapist with people with mental and substance abuse, we are so very proud of her and we are having a huge party with no alcohol, only good friends and food and we even got her a nice gift card for clothes she so needs, a shining example to her grown kids to continue the good fight for education she is 58 and looks great and is a sweet soul of a human being...touching alcohol was never an option or drugs she had two kids and no man and or husband and no visible means of support and had to get her GED in California to even get a tiny job in a tiny place near a huge state university that is where she started her education quest, we are proud she is a shining example of determination and plain old hard as hell work, she worked multiple jobs and saw what alcohol and drugs would do to people and their lives and their families..keep up the great work in sobriety you are a great shining star to others fighting the fight and praying your wound heals and fast!
