RIP Jeanie T

The funeral for Jeanie T is this Saturday.  Jeanie was a big part of my early years in recovery.  She was the aunt that I never had—kind, loving, cheerful and optimistic.  In her later years, she was plagued with a variety of painful health problems that she fought with great courage.  I hope she is in a better place now.

Met the mall gang at Crossroads today.  It was the first time we (I) had done that in almost two months.  It was good to spend time with them, get caught up on our lives, read and discuss recovery related issues.  I love my mall gang get-togethers.

I am grateful for the people in my life that have made me a better person for having known them.  I must be getting older.  This is the third good friend to die in three months.

1 comment:

  1. Each human being you meet and get to know and love comes into your life for a reason, condolences upon the passing of your friend..She is in a better place of no suffering, that is my opinion only..We have such a short time on this terrestrial this human being showed you love and compassion, you are showing love and compassion in your fight for sobriety you are A BETTER HUMAN FOR KNOWING THIS LADY WHO PASSED FROM THIS EARTH..Keep you head up high and remember to love freely, laugh deeply and keep being sober and helping others in this fight to have a wonderful drug free life!
