Healing Slowly

My burn is healing slowly.  The good news is that it is not infected.   The visiting nurse had the burn clinic change the dressing on the wound back to the original methodology used when I was released from the hospital due to a lack of progress with the last method.

It is good that I have great insurance that covers a nurse visit every day and access to high quality health care.  Otherwise, I would be looking at a leg amputation or worse.  I can’t walk, but my legs are a huge part of being balanced in my wheelchair.  Loss of limb would be devastating.  I know many others have lost limbs due to poor health care treatment and/or infection.

I am extremely grateful for the health care resources that I have to treat my burn, spinal cord injury/paralysis, and  diabetes.   Next week, for the first time in four years I am going back to a psychologist that I saw for several years. 

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