More Aaaahh For The Awes

I need one more writing assignment to finish my MOOC Science of Happiness class tonight.  The assignment is to write about things that inspire a sense of awe in me.  Certainly nature’s beauty is an easy place to start from the physical beauty of a starry nights, sunny days, snow covered mountains, stormy coastlines, and then on over to the biological beauty of plants, trees, and flowers.

Athletes and scientists inspire awe with their abilities and achievements that few of us will ever match.  Religious figures including the Buddha, Confucius, Jesus, and Lao Tzu created belief systems that are changed the world for millennia that are perhaps even more active vibrant contributors to world culture today than they were back in their day.

Philosophers and artists often paved the way for science.  Aristotle and Leonardo are two of the all-time great thinkers that stood the test of time.

Friends are an inspired source of awe.  18 months ago, Lea was deep in the incomprehensible demoralization of active addiction.  She was definitely in danger of a premature demise from drugs or violence.  Today she is a leader at her morning meeting serving as secretary and working with her first two sponsees.  It takes a ferocious amount of courage and faith to turn your life around like that at any age.  I am in awe of the changes she has made to get to where she is at today.

There are plenty of things and people to inspire a great sense of awe in me today.  A new pair of spiritual glasses reveals plenty to be inspired by.

I am grateful for the awe in my life today.  That is a lot better than the pessimistic cynicism I used to “enjoy”.

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