I Joined the 4G Cell Universe Today

My 601 days old 3G Motorola Defy lost its first touchscreen key last week providing the final impetus for me to join the 4G world at long last.   I use Republic Wireless which is a hybrid rebiller on the Sprint CDMA network.  RW first tries to use wifi for calls and data, if wifi is not available it uses the Sprint network.   The end result is that I get unlimited 4G for $40/month.

The catch is that RW only allows a handful of Motorola phone models and none of them are phablets (oversize cell phones : phablet = “phone” + “tablet”).  I ordered the phone by email Monday morning and it was here when I got home early Tuesday afternoon.

So far, I can make calls, check email, text and surf the web.   More will revealed.  I am sure I will use more data on this phone than the old one. 

I am grateful for the miracles of 4G cell phones, smart phones, network rebillers and superfast delivery.

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