Picked up Greg at SeaTac at noon.
It was not crowded in the arrivals section at noon—which was a pleasant
surprise on the day before Thanksgiving.
We had a delicious lunch at the Salvadorian bakery in White Center with
It was vastly more pleasant to pickup Greg when he has almost 13 months
sober versus those times in the past when he only had a few days and needed me
to front him a Greyhound ticket home.
That is night and day difference in the quality of life and our ride
home. Today he was a happy successful jubilant
man on the way home to join his parents for Thanksgiving. That is a lot better than being an alcoholic
in the thralls of pitiful and incomprehensible demoralization.
I am grateful for my friendship with Greg, for our sobriety today and
for the anticipation of a pleasant Thanksgiving tomorrow. Our Thanksgiving plan is a meeting, movie at
Lincoln Square and prime rib for dinner.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!