Dinner and a Meeting

Went to dinner at Whole Foods with Greg, Michelle and Lea tonight.  After that, we went to a meeting at the Alanon Club.  They have 30+ days sober.  It is good to have a posse of fellow trudgers that are also new in recovery.  It has been a long time since I went to a non-prison meeting with 4 people in my car.

The meeting topic was on gratitude.  One guy remembered somebody passing out slips of paper at a meeting three years ago to write a gratitude list on.  That was me.  I looked on my PC for the template for those gratitude list slips last week.  It was good to remember that.  It was the first time to write a gratitude list for over half the people at the meeting.

I am grateful for good friends in early recovery.  They help me remember the insanity of how it was.

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