A New Plan

I need a new plan of attack for how I go about writing these Gratitude blog posts.  It would be best to write about my relationships with people.  After 900+ posts, I have pretty much covered the two handfuls of people consistently in my life.

I know writing this Gratitude blog has rewired the neurons in my brain for the better making me less depressed, more resilient and happier.  It occurs to me to write about science factoids that I like which is a genre that I have often already done.  That would lead to positive thoughts and ideas about at the end of each day.

Part the purpose of my blogging is to express myself.  Cutting-n-pasting web articles would be the antithesis of that.  We will see.

I am grateful for my consistency in writing these Gratitude blog posts.  This is the most writing I have done in my life by far and away.

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