The Pool is Closed

The Bellevue Parks’ Warm Springs pool is now closed for four weeks of maintenance.  I have swam nearly every day for the last ten weeks.  That was the most exercise I have done in 30 years.  It changed my life for the better.

I have heard that there are other warm (90°+) pools with lifts in the N/E Seattle Metro area.  None of them will be as close and convenient as the Bellevue pool.  Nonetheless, I hope to go swimming at least twice a week during the closure.

I am grateful for how much swimming I did in the last ten weeks.  I plan on swimming regularly for years to come.


  1. Find another pool and swim. Keep the momentum going.

  2. I just called the Mountlake Terrace Rec Center, where I swim three days a week. They have a lift and a water wheelchair.

    See you there, maybe.
