More Self-Compassion

I have flaked-out on swimming for three days and have also been a less than diligent writer.  The good news is that I get to have self-compassion for myself.  Saturday and today were unplanned skips on the swimming.  I went to a friend’s bbq in Arlington on Sunday knowing that I would thus have to skip swimming.

The bbq was a pleasant flashback to life on the farm way back when before I was paralyzed.  There were horses in the pasture surrounded by a barb wire fence on steel fence posts.  The Stillaguamish river was running swiftly at the far end of the field.  It was beautiful.  Toni had a wonderful turnout of pleasant people for the last 30 years of her life.   She was celebrating her birthday (which was in June) and her retirement (in early July) and having a social event.  It might have been the first party she hosted in almost 30 years of owning her rural retreat in Arlington.  She told me several times that it was “all my fault” that she had this event.  That was the best blame I ever got in my life.  It was a wonderful event and a good time was had by all.  Leslee and I enjoyed the drive together.   Getting to know Toni’s sponsor Sharon and her husband Jim over lunch and conversation was a bonus.

Had lunch with George today.  It was the first time I had seen since he was diagnosed with prostrate cancer and had it surgically removed.  He had been to the doctor twice in the last 35 years.  He was blessed with an early diagnosis due to having to get Key Man insurance due to being a partner in a small accounting firm.  The doctor actually came to him, found elevated levels of whatever in his blood samples and the treatment quickly escalated into surgery from there.  He took a month off work and is doing great while still not completely healed.   George has been a wonderful friend for me ever since I was paralyzed.  I am glad he is okay and doing well.

Had a light dinner with Sandy tonight.   I get to learn a lot about being a better friend by having her for my friend.

It would have been good to write and swim more these last few days.  It was also nice to have a change of pace reading (more) sci-fi on my Kindle.

I am grateful for the life I have today.  Nowadays, even the bad days are pretty good!

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