A Good Day

I had a good day today.  Watched part of a 1970’s movie called The Driver with Ryan O’Neal along with some scifi reading on my kindle, swimming, grocery shopping, and made it to my home group tonight.  Lea joined me for those activities. 

I was going to have a late lunch with Bob and George, but it turned out to be SeaFair weekend and Bob wasn’t around.  George and I will have dinner next week.  It will be the first time I have seen George since his cancer surgery a month ago.

Charlie led the meeting on the 5th step which is admitting the exact nature of our wrongs to god and another human being.  He talked about humility and spirituality.  One of the most important things about the 5th step for me is to stop being such a stoic. One slogan is that I am only as sick as my secrets.   I am a big one for lies of omission, i.e., not talking about my thoughts, feelings and fears.  I have no doubt that I will always need to continue to improve on sharing my feelings with others.  As a child, I learned talking about my feelings with my family was akin to showing them an open wound and asking them to pour salt on it.

I am grateful for easygoing good days with pleasant companionship and good friends in recovery.

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