Lucky To Be Grateful or Happy Thanksgiving!

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving.  November is Gratitude Month in AA.  Today’s meeting topic was on gratitude.  In several important ways, this has been the best year of my life.  Studying gratitude meditation and positive psychology has changed my life for the vastly better than how it was.

I know now that I am lucky.  Lucky to be alive and sober.  Lucky to have the wonderful friends that are in my life.  Lucky to be able to afford to live in a nice apartment in Bellevue with two cats and provide a place to live for others that can’t afford a place of their own.  Lucky to have a warm accessible pool with a lift to swim in any day I want to go.

I am grateful for having a life that is much better than how it used to be.  Tomorrow will be the first time in my life that I cooked a Thanksgiving meal for at least three people.  That is but one example of the changes in my life.

BONUS:  I found a great review/recipe based on applied heat transfer and chemistry on how to cook a prime rib to perfection here.

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