Doing It Anyways

I don’t feel like writing tonight.  More nearly, I want to write but don’t feel any particular topic coming to mind.  I read several affirmations, thought about my day, played with the cats, played chess, and looked at my homework.

Regardless, I am writing anyways for the sake of a foolish consistency—the hobgoblin of little minds everywhere!

I am grateful to have my Gratitude blog writing be such a strongly ingrained part of my daily routine.


  1. Just read in the seattlepi online that Seattle is the 4th most expensive city in which to live, about $2.300 a month for rent, oh vey....san Francisco and of course New York City are the most expensive NYC first about $4,500 a month for a 900 sq ft apt...I thought you might like to know as you live in the Seattle area, Bellevue is not cheap at all, you must do very well to be able to live up there, just saying, happy new year!

  2. What I meant to say you should be very very grateful to be able to live in Bellevue and the Seattle area, it is denied to a lot of the people who have to work each day in Seattle..It is in my opinion a nice place to visit but not to live priced itself completely out of normal working people's wages, too bad lovely city, but not liveable and for the size of the population the least amount of people who will ever have children, this affects the public schools tremendously...
