better conflict resolution skills

Went to a 12-step business meeting tonight where a few people had a resentment about past activities and how they were implemented.  Back in the day, this would have been time for my condescending sarcastic bombast to explain it to them.  Tonight I got to show up differently by getting the most contentious group members to mostly follow ground rules of not interrupting or talking over each other and waiting for each person to state their concerns and perception.

We did not come to final agreement we did, so to speak, clean out the wound.  Next month we will be able to come to mutually agreed upon and understood terms—until the next time.  That is good enough for today.

I also managed to complete the layout of a gratitude booklet.   Printed 100 copies and shared them at the meeting.  After the contentious discussion, the timing did not lend itself to a big discussion on gratitude.  That is okay.  I did the footwork and am not responsible for the outcome.

I am grateful for the (newfound) wisdom, patience and social skills that make me a much more positive presence in the Universe. 

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