Modern medicine and pain reduction

I have had a bladder infection for the last 3 months. In theory, it was cured two weeks ago when the lab test came back with a low bug count. In practice, 10 weeks of antibiotics knocked the count down, but did not kill all the bugs in my bladder.

Yesterday I had the initial go of fever & chills that is a prelude to stronger symptoms. Also, I woke up with a sinus/chest cold. I started another course of antibiotics that I got from the pharmacy on Monday which is the standard response. A new element for me was to take ibuprofen for a twinge in my shoulder and the flare-up of chronic neuralgic pain in my right hip somehow exacerbated by the infection. I can't take aspirin due to complications from an anticoagulant that I take to avoid further blood clots in my left thigh.

Within 30 minutes, the two medications made me feel better than I had all day. To feel better so quickly was a wonderful feeling of wellness and security . I took some more antibiotic and ibuprofen this morning. My pain level was less than the worst pain from last night. Now it is down to a sort of quiet white noise of pain with mild sharp stabs of pain every few seconds in my right hip. I have mindful pain management techniques that mitigate the sharp stabbing.

Bladder infections used to be the leading cause of death for people with spinal cord injuries. Next Tuesday, I will go to a different urologist at Harborview for a different approach to curing my chronic infection.

I am grateful for the miracle of modern pharmacology that quickly treats what ails me. It is infinitely better than the alternative.

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