Automotive Hand Controls

Went to the dentist on Monday to have a temporary crown replaced with a permanent crown. After transferring from my wheelchair to the dental chair, the dental assistant brought up the topic of hand controls for cars asking me if I had ever seen such a device.

We then proceeded to bandy questions back and forth. Mine were to the effect of did she notice my wheelchair, that my legs lack motor control and how did she think I drove my car to the appointment? Hers were along the lines of had I seen hand controls and how did I get to the dentist's office—which I have been going to for the last 15 years.

We were both giving each other bewildered looks. It was a surreal conversation. In the end, I was able to assure her that I had seen hand controls before and was familiar with the concept. A charitable interpretation of that experience would be that she had a brainfart. She is a smart competent technician.

I have been driving tractors with hand controls since I was a kid on the farm. Driving a car with hand controls is second nature for me. I legally drove with my feet on the gas, brake and clutch pedals for 6 years. I have been driving with hand controls for 31 years. It is infinitely better to drive with hand controls than to not drive at all while living on a hill in the suburbs of Seattle trying to get around with my manual wheelchair.

I am grateful for the freedom, mobility and independence I get from using hand controls to drive my car wherever and whenever I want.

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