18 Months of Methadone

Lea started methadone 18 months ago on 3/12/13.  From what I had seen and heard from other heroin addicts, I did not have much faith in methadone treatment programs for addicts nor chronic pain.   I thought it was at best switching dealers from street drugs to clinics.   

Watching Lea change her life from stuck on the low end of a steepening downward spiral to now having 6 months of sobriety after using only a handful of times in the previous year has changed my perception of methadone treatment enormously for the better. 

Helping her get this far is the most I have ever helped another human being in my life.   It has been a life changing experience for me.  I am much kinder, compassionate and patient.  Reading a dozen positive psychology books while waiting for her to do appointments has made me a better happier person.

Tonight was prison AA night.   I have heard people use the term “homicidal maniac” many times in a metaphorical or rhetorical way.  Tonight I heard a man state that he was a “certified homicidal maniac” in a literal way.  You don’t hear that every day.  He is working on making amends to those he has harmed by at least writing letters of remorse to those he has harmed.  That is a heavy burden to carry.

I am grateful to have been of service to others.  Helping them has enabled me to live a better life that is a lot happier, joyous and free than how it used to be.

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