Got AC!

Bought a portable AC unit for my bedroom online from Costco last week.  It came today.  Put it in my bedroom with a cardboard & duct tape setup for my sliding patio door.  It is cooling the room nicely.

While I am not a materialistic person, I am really grateful to be able to afford a nice apartment, a car, 2 cats, plenty of food, a good start on jewelry/metalsmithing hobby and extras such as my new AC unit.  I really appreciate the economic security of getting a steady government backed pension check every month.

1 comment:

  1. To live in Bellevue you have to have means to live, a govt. backed pension do you mean disability pension..You are very very lucky to get it, most cannot get a dadblasted thing, thus running to drugs and alcohol for some kind of crap life..The marijuana being recreational now is a big problem, they are running out like crazy, if the money could go to AA and to Alanon and Drug Abuser Anonymous and programs for single parents and their kids for medical and dental and vision and FOOD for the working poor I would have backed it up completely but the money and monies won't be going to those needed..Lots more on the pathway to living hell, first marijuana then meth I say...hmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!!!!
