The Happiness Advantage

Today’s book is The Happiness Advantage by Shawn Achor.  After reading 1/7th of the book with its 7 principles of happiness (or positivity), the take-away seems to be that happiness leads to success and not success leads to happiness.  Shawn does a 12-minute TEDx talk here.

I am as happy today as I have ever been with the possible exception of when I worked as a timber cutter at the age of 21.  I was certainly more physically fit then.  Now I have much greater mental and emotional fitness.

My sister passed the CISSP (Certified Information Systems Security Professional) test today!  I am sure she is happy for that successful achievement.  I hope it serves as a stepping stone to advance her career in digital security and as a company board director.

I am grateful for the social support I have been given that showed me how to work on overcoming my addiction and depression successfully create a state of happiness in my life.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations to your sister for her accomplishment..I think happiness is a matter of looking at a situation with glass half full rather than empty, my hubs of just 40 years on may 27, 2014 is the happiest fellow I know & he makes me very happy, my dad was a lumberjack and seemed happy, he had to stay in the camp all week but we waited for him with bated breath to return to us Friday evenings, he brought the paycheck and my Mother was over the moon, she always fixed sumptuous Spanish meals, and he sang to us and held me tight, that all changed when she died of cancer suddenly his world was shattered he took to drink and basically abandoned us, all thru the bullshit I could not be made to feel like crap day in and dayout, I knew I would see him sometime in my life and it took a long long time, but I did he did not live that much longer and he was sober and re-married and a family half siblings, he apologized for abandonement but my family of my Mom's side kept him from us, can you imagine, I think a positive attitude trumps everything, I have seen in it in my husbands family full of drug and alcohol addicted human beings, and in my famiy too, I simply refuse to believe in the worst in life since I have been blessed in so so so so many ways, I knew early on I would never drink or drug and that I would be happy in whatever life came my way..I applaud you as I read your blog for your refusal to give into temptation and that you are really a good human being, ciao!
