A Few Things I Am Grateful For

Having a bit of writer’s block with a Gratitude blog topic to write about tonight.  There are many people and things in my life that I am grateful for none of which I feel like writing much about right now.  Instead I will do a short list of some people and things that I am grateful for.

Mike M

Alano Club—especially being so close to it
US Bank
My US Bank credit card
Government backed pension
My car
Complete kitchen with lots of food
My apartment
 Being able to help others

Getting help from others

1 comment:

  1. You have so much more than most people who live and starve in Clark county Washington!!!!!!!!!!!! The food drive was abysmal, the only people who seem to give a crap are the poor & they generously give the others always say oh, hell well..You live in a wealthy community and excellent schools junior college one of the best in all of the state, that is far better than a county with an aging population who thinks hunger & homeless and addiction is none of their business, we wanted to in 1978 move to the greater Seattle area I could not find a job at all, so we moved here tooo damn near God-Forsaken Oregon where the homeless and addicted and former prisoners flock to for what? I will never know no good living wage jobs and soon no places to afford, they are building the DSHS building right next to a lovely library and shi shi community athletic club, right on a busline and near a big winco..but no one who goes to the DSHS can live in the neighborhood toooo expensive what were they thinking...You are so fortunate a govt. backed pension, most people work here with no pension and they don't get much pay to boot, we would have never moved here if we had known the dirty secret that one must be forced to go to God-Forsaken Oregon for a decent job, paying income tax on a state that won't fund, education but will fund lots of prisons..you are so so so fortunate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
