The 2016 Iowa Caucus for Presidential Candidates

Bernie and Hillary are in a tie.  Cruz leads with 28% over Trump (24%) and Rubio (23%).    

In the past, I voted for fringe Presidential candidates as a way of making a statement and knowing my vote would not make tiniest iota of a difference for the mainstream candidates.

I am grateful to have Bernie Sanders running as a people’s candidate instead of a front man (or woman) for Wall Street or the far right-wing nut jobs.

1 comment:

  1. I adore Bernie Sanders and pray he is the presidential candidate indeed! I cannot phanthom the other candidates and that includes Billionaire Hillary, come on! Most of the other candidates are just career politicians and Donald Trump in my opinion is a horses you know what come on, we need someone who actually gives a damn about the people who slave at jobs who makes the uber rich richer! I don't get the other candidates and they must have huge amounts of money just to run come on not since the 60's has their been a candidate like Bernie Sanders! Go Bernie Go and win!!!!!
