Living In The Seattle Metro Area

For a 2nd tier major metro area in the US, Seattle seems to has excessive traffic problems, plenty of homelessness and a police force overseen by the US DoJ due to minority abuse.   The good news is that there are plenty of jobs, clean water and hope for improvement in the future.

Today’s post is not so much on how great Seattle is but on how badly people in other state’s treat their own people.  Flint, Michagan’s water supply contains lead in brain disabling doses due to choices made by local politicians who then act surprised when this becomes a problem.

In Washington State, we have some problems with state institutions housing criminals and the mentally ill.  The prison problem is the inevitable result of 40 years of the war on drugs in America with the prison problems.  It could be worse—much, much worse.  

Compared with other social problems in America and around the world, I am grateful for our regional problems that we make better.   That is a lot better than being a pawn like Syria in a second generation cold war married to religious conflict and corruption.

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