Reliable Electricity

As long as I have lived in/near downtown Bellevue, my power has never gone out for more than a couple of minutes and rarely even resets the digital clocks.  My urban legend to explain this is that we are on the Overlake Hospital section of the power grid.  Chances are good that is true, but I don’t really know.

By anecdotal example, I can think of twice in the last 20 years that people on the Eastside lost power for up to a week.  Neither time did my clocks even reset.

A fair-sized windstorm is predicted for tonight and the early morning that is projected to lead to lots of power-outages.  I expect we will have electricity all night long and certainly in time to watch the Seahawks play the Green Bay Packers in the NFC championship game tomorrow.

I am grateful for extremely reliable power.  I would not do well in a cold unheated apartment.

1 comment:

  1. Bellevue takes good care of their power grid, plus the rents in your town are not soaring most residents enjoy living there and pay what they have to live in a decent town..Seattle is another story, over priced and to me not worth it, who wants to live near GoodWill and Value Village just to be able to get into the city to thank you!
