Checking In

Got a good case of writer’s block tonight.  There are many things I appreciate very much in my life, but do not feel like writing about now.  Having just finished making, eating and cleaning up a chicken alfredo dinner, it is easy to imagine that has something to do with being in a mild food coma.

Today was a good day.  Went swimming in the morning, then to a men’s meeting (which I rarely attend) and then ran some errands with Lea. 

It has been almost record warm temperatures for January.  The record temps are in the high 50s.  From Tuesday to Friday, it will be in the low to mid 50s with sunny skies after the fog burns off.  That is fantastically better than “dangerously cold air” with wind chills as cold as 20-30 below from the mid-west to in the Northeast

I am grateful for time with friends, a nice swim and warm weather.

1 comment:

  1. It is warm here in this part of Washington state, with no rain predicted..Good you are busy and keeping busy and nice of you for the dinner mention..You are happy and sober who cares if you post each day, I do look forward to it because your posts are great..I nearly broke my foot and the ensuing pain is pretty bad, taking only Tylenol and got a classy looking boot to get around, I am okay though and have good health insurance and the doctor was kind and the nurse gentle and I only get what I need, got my labs done and the x-ray did not hurt..I am feeling better already, keep up your sobriety and you sound like your life is going well, happy new year!
