Tired and Cranky

I feel tired and cranky right now.  One of the books I have read on meditation discussed the difference between “I am tired and cranky” vs “I feel tired and cranky”.  I know that my mood will change soon.  I will no longer be tired after a good night’s sleep.

Part of changing my mood is pro-actively dealing with others whom I am have a minor conflict with in my head.  In my family of origin conflict was insanely passive-aggressive.  I don’t like conflict nor handle it well.  I am much more skillful at handling conflict than I used to be.   I know now that pretending it will go away on its own is a pipe-dream that leads to my negative feelings coming out sideways.   I will do my best to address this conflict directly.

I am grateful for knowing that a bad mood is only temporary, being more skilled at handling conflict and recognizing my feelings for what they are—just feelings.

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