Mindful Meditation

In years past, morning (prayer and) meditation was something I did before being on my way to somewhere else.  Morning meditation is now a consistent daily part of my life that I do solely for the sake of being mindful throughout my day.

Being mindful is an unambiguous term that I can’t yet define.  Mindfulness does include being in the present moment so that I am neither mired in morbid reflection of the past nor fearfully dwelling in negative futures.

I don’t know when mindfulness became such a fixture in my daily routine.  My thinking has changed greatly for the better in the last three months.  That shows up as physical results in my life.  I always used to drive as if I was in a hurry.  That would change how I feel.  Now I drive slower and don’t use driving like a drug to change how I feel.  Parts of that are due to more gratitude and to getting older.  The proportions don’t matter much.  Being more mindful throughout the day is the rewarding and important result.

I am grateful for my recently enhanced mindfulness that helps me live my life in the present moment.

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