Winter Holidays

The largest AA get-together (convention? conference?) in Washington State, Winter Holidays, is held 6 blocks due west of my apartment at the Bellevue Hilton. 750 AA and Alanon members attend this event running from Friday night to Sunday morning. There are speaker meetings, dances, a large dinner with speakers, a comedian, spiritual breakfast and many workshops. People come from hundreds of miles to attend the event. Several of the speakers come from California and Arizona.

A large noisy crowded event is difficult for me to navigate in my chair and almost impossible to converse with others due to my tinnitus/hearing loss. I am going to staff the table for the Eastside Intergroup (ESIG) office from 4 to 6. Then I will give the Seattle Intergroup office manager, Larry, a ride back home to the Queen Anne neighborhood in Seattle. The ESIG office manager, Nancy, cleverly tricked me into attending this event by asking me to staff the table and give Larry a ride home. Once I actually get to the event, I am sure I will enjoy myself. It is not something that I would do left to my own best thinking.

I am extremely grateful for the many fantastic 12-step resources in my community and for the members of the fellowship that help expand my horizons.

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