Becoming process oriented

As a kid, I was always taught that to focus on achieving results was the way to go through life. That was a miserable failure as a methodology for me. In recovery via the 12-step programs, I am learning how to live life in a process oriented manner and let go of the results.

A good example of that is when I was a student back in the day, I would worry & stress about my grades instead of simply studying. While I was a student with some recovery, I spent the vast majority of my school time studying and very little time thinking about grades. The result was I got much better grades with much less stress and more enjoyment learning new things.

Tonight we were talking about the 8th Step at our meeting. I was invited to share early on and deferred until later since I uncharacteristically did not have a 'theme' to expound upon. After listening to the other members share, I realized one of the most important things I get out of working the steps is a process oriented way of life. That works a lot better for me.

Today I am grateful for a process oriented way of life that works for me.

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