was “Untitled” now “A Good reStart”

Writing about gratitude has been one of the best things I have done in my life.  Taking a  time-out was also a good idea.  Now it is time to get back to writing.   Writing every day made for a simple habit as opposed to writing several times a week on various random days—that would call for way too much thinking on my part.  More will be revealed…

It has already been a record hot summer and it is not yet the middle of July.  Getting a small bedroom AC changed me from being a late late night owl to a regular night owl going to sleep around or before midnight giving me a much fresher start in the morning.

Lea has lived with me for all but 3 months of the last three years.  She has made great progress on getting sober.  I have also enabled her too much in not having to get a life that works.  A month ago, I had let her know it was time for her to get out on her own.  I saw no evidence of progress.  Last week I gave her a deadline of October 31st.  Three years is by far the longest I have ever had a roommate in my adult life.  I will miss her and am looking forward to moving on to the next phase of my life.

After 13 years at the same apartment, my carpet has been thoroughly thrashed by the nylon tires on my wheelchair and rubbing paint off the corners of the sheetrock.  After Lea is gone I will get new flooring and a paint job.  That will be worthy of a much better job of decorating.

I felt compelled to start writing again for a couple weeks.   I am grateful to have written this post, for my time with Lea, AC and fans in every room.

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