medical insurance

As a result of an logging accident in 1981, I am paralyzed from the waist down. That comes with a bundle of health-care issues. Fortunately for me, I was working for a legitimate company at the time and am covered by the Washington State – Department of Labor and Industries – Workman’s Compensation insurance that covers 100% of the health care expenses resulting from that accident. That has literally been the difference between life and death for me.

The downside of my medical insurance is that I have nothing to cover all the other health problems that happen in life as we get older. I got a postcard from today inviting me to sign up with either the original Medicare plan or a “Medicare Advantage Plan (like an HMO, PPO, or Private-Fee-for-Service Plan) or other Medicare Health Plan that offers both health coverage and prescription drug coverage”.

Naturally, making an informed choice is far more complicated than going on the web and clicking on a local plan provider. I am sure that there is almost no chance for a literature consumer to make a completely informed choice about which plan to pick. I will do my research and pick a plan that looks reasonably good. So far, Group Health is a strong contender simply by geographic proximity. They built a brand-new hospital a half-mile away. That at least makes them easy to find and immobile.

I am extremely grateful for the medical insurance that I currently have and am also grateful that I will be able to sign-up for additional health-care insurance at a reasonable cost.

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