Working with others

A fundamental part of the 12-step programs is 'sponsoring' others. To be a sponsor is to guide or mentor others as they work the 12 steps. It is often a very intense close relationship. For whatever reason(s), I have only sponsored a few guys in my dozen years of recovery. Gotta be some commitment issues in there somewhere...

I have talked with others on many occasions. Tonight, I talked with a lady for an hour and gave her a copy of Seligman's Flourish. It was an invigorating conversation sharing my conviction the program works if you work it and the benefits of sooner is better than later.

It was a pleasant surprise to hear myself share my strong conviction on the benefits of working the steps. As a Pisces, I have been ambivalent about most issues all my life. It was cool to hear the strength of my convictions as I discussed my experiences working the steps.

I am grateful for my faith in the 12-step programs and the progress I have made since I… came to believe. [That was a pun on the first 3 steps sometimes colloquially phrased as: came; came to; came to believe]

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