Meeting at the Mall - the 7th Step

Every Friday, 3 to 6 of us meet at Crossroads Mall for fellowship and recovery.  We talk about our week, a tiny bit on news of the world and then read & discuss something from AA’s 12x12.  Today we read the first half of the 7th Step which is where we humbly ask god to remove our shortcomings.

Some of my desires have serious cognitive dissonance.  For example, I want to have lots of friends and be popular, yet want to live like a hermit in isolation.  Those mutually exclusive instincts run amuck guarantee that I will not get what I want.  I don’t know how many need to be removed for me to find a way to have what I want and want what I have.  I am sure it is more than I can handle on my own.

Finding humility has been tough for me.  Part of the problem is overcoming my fears of letting others into my life.  Clearly I can’t live without others.  Now I need to acquire ways to live better with them.

I am grateful for increased humility and god’s help in removing my shortcomings.  Progress, not perfection.

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