Working with others

Talked with two people in active addiction yesterday.  One could only cry for the first half-hour we talked.  Even after that, she was still not able to say what was causing all her pain.  In my experience, if you can't identify and verbalize emotional pain—it never goes away.  The other person was pretending to not use heroin by getting a fortified beer as if that would explain her heroin nod.  Their situation is tragic.  Spending time with them made my life, happiness and serenity vastly more stable and secure.  I don't want any part of pain and hopelessness of that ilk.

I had written in my Gratitude Blog for 14 days.  That felt good and successful for me.  Then took two days off due to sloth and a lack of prioritization of how important this writing is to me.  I am writing this early in the day to ensure not missing three days of writing.

It is good to be writing again.  I am glad my emotional energy is focused in the good things in my life as opposed to the painful focus of active addiction.  Today I am going to do something fun.  Fun will involve  going for a drive to appropriate winter destination such as a movie or the mall while is not raining and almost sunny.

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