Volunteering at the Washington State Reformatory

One the second Thursday of the month, I volunteer at the WSR in Monroe.  We attend a 12-step recovery meeting led by inmates.  Next month will be 12 years of volunteering at the WSR.  I get more out of this service work than I put into it—it makes my life much better every time I go and really helps me to be grateful for what I have.

Tonight, Leslee and I drove out to the WSR with two boxes of 12-step books worth $300 that was contributed by the local recovery fellowship.  Unfortunately the meeting was canceled due to a staff training night.   I+ called the liaison volunteer Jasper and arranged to meet him to give him the literature.  It was like a photographic negative of a drug deal.  We waited in the parking lot of a gas station for 15 minutes, made our transaction by giving Jasper the books and then drove off with no money. 

Instead of using to get high, Leslee and  got high on life and our ability to help others while enjoying each other's company.  Leslee has been a very good friend to me for years and I am grateful to have her in my life.

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