Having a Christmas tree and visiting friends

37 years ago, my 17 year-old sister Valerie committed suicide when I was 15.  I was the last person to see her alive.   In the 12-step programs, guys are supposed to work with guys and women with women.  I have tried to help many women during my time in recovery in a sort of effort to keep them from also dying young and metaphysically save my sister Valerie from killing herself one more time.  My latest effort was trying to help Michelle who has lived in the jungle (an area noted for its homeless population near the intersection of i90 & i5 in Seattle) for the last 8 years. 

Michelle was arrested on her 45th birthday for drug possession and spent 5 days in jail before she was released.  She spent the night on the streets and called me in the morning.  She stayed at my apartment for 5 days.  It was nice having her here.  She is smart, high energy and functional.  She put up my Christmas tree for the first time in eight years, made cookies with Xmas music playing (I rarely listen to music) and wrapped some gifts for Lea.
Yesterday I visited with friends from childhood while watching the Huskies lose a football game.  After that, I visited a Angie at her new house.  I bought Angie some house-warming gifts such as light bulbs, a broom & dustpan, and dish soap.  Her house was surprisingly accessible (the vast majority of houses are not wheelchair accessible ).
I came home and Michelle was ready to get back out in the mix.  We watched TV for a bit and then it was time for me to meet Greg at an 8:30 meeting.  I dropped Michelle off at the bus stop.  She had been indoors and clean for the last 9.5 out of 10 days. It was sad watching her inner-addict lie to both herself and me when she said she was "just going to visit friends and not use."   Better her than me.
Tonight, Greg and I are going to Everett to give Lea her Xmas gifts and the last of some clothes that she had left here.  After that, we are going to the Dweezil Zappa concert at the Neptune theater in the U-district.  It has been a very social weekend before Xmas for me.
I might be smart and reasonably well-educated, but I have the attention span of a cricket when it comes the dangers of substance abuse in my heart.  I need those constant reminders and the stories of the yets that are still out there for me.  I am grateful for my friends that are doing well and for the lessons I get from those that are struggling to find & keep a safe home for themselves. 

I would post a picture of my fake Xmas tree but I can't find the special OEM USB cord for my Sony Camera.  It has to be here somewhere...

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