A wonderful wedding

I went to a outdoor wedding today for Dave and Vibeke at the Lake Wilderness Lodge near Maple Valley. It was a perfect day for an outdoor wedding with a slight overcast and 75°.

This was a repeat marriage for both of them. Their kids are all adults now. They were all included in the wedding ceremony in roles such as best man, walking the bride out, singing a love song a capella and more. The lodge faces south across Lake Washington with Mt Rainier as the perfect backdrop across the lake.

It was a beautiful wedding that was a fantastic fit for the happy couple. Vibeke is a high-powered bundle of creative energy. The music playing during the ceremony was inspired ranging from Judy Garland singing Somewhere Over the Rainbow to the Beatles Here Comes the Sun to what Dave's daughter sang.

After the wedding, there were short stories/speeches by friends and family members welcoming and congratulating new relatives and friends to the new meta-family. The joy radiating from the adult children as they their new step-parent was a thing of love and beauty. It was one of the best, if not the best, wedding I have ever been to in terms of being a perfect fit for the new couple, family and friends.

I am grateful for having been invited to Vibeke and Dave's wedding, for the perfect weather and to Mary Jane for going to the wedding with me. It was a wonderful scenic drive up the Cedar River valley through Black Daimond and back down the Green River valley past my childhood home.

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