good teeth

Today I went to the dentist for my quarterly teeth cleaning. It went well. There was one tooth that was a bit tender.

My gums are doing great. They have actually grown back a bit. They used to a pocket gap of 7 or 8mm. Since I have been doing diligent dental care for the last 11 years, they are now up to a 4 or 5. My teeth could be whiter. I have my concerns about any damage done by chemical whiteners.

I had my wisdom teeth pulled 8 years ago. All the rest of my teeth are still in place. For the most part, my teeth don't hurt. I had a root canal done last year and even that was not all that painful since the problem was diagnosed early on.

My teeth had been neglected for nearly 20 years in my early adult life. I am fortunate that there are few long-term problems from that. I never had to wear braces and my teeth were straight with no gaps between them.

Listening to the problems some of my friends have had with their teeth, I am extremely grateful for how healthy my teeth are. It is a bonus that I can afford good dental care with regular teeth cleaning, x-rays and any needed dental work.

Bad teeth can get crazy expensive while being exquisitely painful. I don't have the money to fix all dental problems, but have been able to fix the ones I have had. For that, I am extremely grateful.

I know someday, I will likely lose some teeth due to dental problems. Nothing to worry about now. Good reasons to brush and floss regularly. I have been doing that. The results are awesome, my gums are actually getting healthier! It is a nice reward for the less than 5 minutes a day I spend brushing my teeth and flossing. I love my Sonicare toothbrush with built-in timer.

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