Being grateful to a spiritual entity

12-step programs have a gazillion slogans. One of them is that it is a spiritual program of action. I have my limited perceptions of an essentially infinite entity that fits my god, higher power, spiritual being or deity. My problems with authority preclude my acceptance of a limited or vengeful god as described in theologies.

What I know now is that in a way, it does not matter if there is or is not a god. What matters to me is that when I act as if there is a god, my life goes a LOT better. I then get to turn over the results and focus on the process. My life becomes a journey instead of being focused on arbitrary destinations.

Thanks to the miracle of the 12-step programs, I am now able to reliably focus on doing the next indicated thing turning over the results to my higher power. There is a epic reduction in my level of fear and anxiety concerning the results allowing me to work the process. With practice, taking action is becoming second nature.

There are countless examples of my new found ability to take action in my life. A recent example was trying to find a topic for tonight's gratitude post. I bought a couple of books on gratitude from Amazon, read a few pages from The Psychology of Gratitude, chatted with my roommates about our day and came up with the topic of being grateful for my spiritual experience of the educational variety.

Thank god for just about everything. I am grateful for what I have today.

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