Reading Comprehension

We went to a 12-step meeting based on the bible tonight at a Four Square church.   They had dinner before the meeting.  The meeting consisted of a short reading and a discussion on the reading.  That was as much as I have studied the bible in my life.  I enjoyed most of the meeting.  Lea was not feeling well and we left early.

If I could have lunch with anybody in the history of the world—it would be Jesus.  I reckon we would have wine, bread and fish.  After lunch, I would hit him up for a healing!  The downside of organized religion for me is those who have an overwhelming obsession to force their beliefs on others in the name of the one true god whether it be mammon, Allah or Jehovah.

The last lady to talk before we left demonstrated a clear lack of comprehension of the several hundred words we read while ranting about the exact opposite of what we read.  Her rant was like the worst of the religion to me.  Illiterate, hateful and fearful while completely misinterpreting what was written in black and white.  I wanted to rebut her statements with the written words we had just read.  Lea’s not feeling well and wanting to leave at that moment was a timely blessing.  There is little chance my words or the words in a bible are going to turn an illiterate fear-mongering middle-aged woman into a literate person with a kind and loving god in five minutes or less.  With better healthier boundaries and a few minutes reflection, I get to recognize it is not my job to save others from themselves.

I am grateful for the reading comprehension that I do have and for healthier more socially well-adjusted boundaries.

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