I am grateful for my sobriety

I am grateful for my sobriety--everyday and especially today.

I dropped a friend off at a detox facility today. She is so addicted on alcohol that she gets sick if she does not drink every few hours. At that level of alcohol addiction, it is important to have medical supervision when quitting drinking. Alcohol is the one drug that kills people when they stop cold turkey.

My friend walked out of the detox facility after an hour because an intake staff member said things she did not want to hear aka “he was mean to her”. I wish I could make my friend get sober. Unfortunately, she is the only one that has the power to get her sober. To date, she has been unwilling to follow good orderly directions. She is a great example of self-will run riot. She knows that she will die a premature painful lonely death if she continues to drink.

I don't know what 'it' is that separates those of us that are sober from those that continue to use. All alcoholics have a hard time with directions and authority. Willingness is vital to sobriety. In the 12-step paradigm, it is being willing to go to meetings, get a sponsor, work the steps and help others. Whatever that special 'it' is, I have been blessed to have it for all but a week of the last 11 years and almost six years of continuous sobriety.

I am grateful for my sobriety.

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