I get several self-improvement emails every day. Some are spiritual or 12-step recovery based
and others are of the positive psychology ilk.
Not a lot of new material, mostly they just serve to remind me and
reinforce the obvious.
One email that continues to provide food for thought weeks later is was
to go with discipline for doing the next indicated thing such as exercise or
other healthy behavior instead of waiting for the motivation to feel like getting exercise or whatever
other tasks I am procrastinating on.
This year I have had a rough go on doing the next indicated thing for a
variety of reasons including health care problems. This week, I am going to use discipline to
get back to a healthier routine of more meetings and swimming. I will go to at least 7 meetings and swim at
least 2 times this week.
I am grateful for the self-care skills I have learned to help me live a
better life today.