Had a mildly sore tooth for the last month. Lacking dental insurance, I now get my dental
care at the UW School of Dentistry. The
price is right although scheduling is weeks slower. That makes a strong argument for being proactive
in my dental care.
Students are definitely slower than practicing professionals. Spent 3.5 hours in the dental chair this
afternoon while an endontist-to-be did a root canal. Was going to be a 3-session experience, but
due to the long time today, I will only have one more visit in early December.
I have a lot of skill and experience in advocating for my health
care. It is nearly impossible to make well
informed choices about dental care. My
previous private practice dentist did a great job on the dental care. I am also sure he was gouging me for
replacing fillings that did not need to be replaced. Whenever the dental students see the gold
work on my teeth, they all say with a sense of reverence and awe “ooowww, that’s
nice gold work”.
I had my wisdom teeth pulled 15 years ago. I have all the rest of my teeth and want to
keep them. They work great for me.
I got my first root canal 7 years ago.
It cost me $1200. The second root
canal will take a few more trips to the dental school and cost me $150. I might buy a new laptop and car stereo with
the savings. I already paid for new
tires on Tuesday [they will be installed next week].
I am grateful for great cheap dental care and for having all my teeth.