Happy Father’s Day

Today is Father’s Day.  Friends were discussing gratitude and their fathers’ at a meeting this morning.  That brought up some mixed feelings for me.  My father died 20 years ago at the age of 78.  We had not talked in several years.

My father and I had more father/son misadventures than most.  For example, we were towed in by the coast guard in three countries.  While working on the farm with him, I saw him get his ribs broken by an angry steer and got his front teeth knocked out by a tractor.

He taught me many useful personal vocational skills such as welding, working on and with tractors, construction, aquaculture, fishing and how to read a map while navigating open waters.  He also taught me horribly dysfunctional social skills that have wreaked havoc in my relationships with others causing great pain in my life.

In recovery, I have learned how to not shut the door on the past.  Today I was able to focus on the good things in my relationship with my father and be grateful for those times.   My biggest regret is that I did not know then what I know now about relationships.   We could have had a great relationship filled with love and good times instead of the unhappy ending that we endured.

My father was vastly more successful in his career as a pilot than anything I will ever come close to.  My relationships with my friends are better than anything he ever had in my life.

I am grateful to my father for the good parts of our relationship.

One Month and 35 Years

It has been a month since my last Gratitude blog post.  No particular plan there other than lacking the gumption to post.    Achieving 1400 posts exceeded all my hopes and expectations when I started this blog in late 2012.   It would be good to keep blogging on a daily basis, but for now I am ready for a break.

35 years ago today on June 18th, 1981, I was paralyzed in a tractor accident while logging near Mt St Helens when I was 22 years old.   It could have been worse.   It could have been better.

I am grateful for having written these 1400 posts on gratitude, it has helped rewire my brain (“the neurons that fire together wire together”) in a better way with my compassion and empathy for myself and others.  I am also grateful to be alive with good medical insurance and a decent pension.